In order to have a successful online business, you must be constantly marketing to gain new customers, and to gain return business. Below you can see 6 tips for marketing your e-commerce website.

  • social media marketingUse the power of social media. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social media websites are a great way to market your business. Post daily so that you stay in front of your customer’s eyes. Every post won’t reach every follower, so you should be constantly posting, but don’t let it get out of control.Create simple posts with vivid images to attract attention to your posts in the user’s news feed. Experiment with different types of posts, and different posting times to see what works best for your target market. If your posts are engaging users may share your posts to their friends, giving you free advertising.Gain new followers by inviting your friends to like your page (each social network has it’s own tool to invite your friends list), and ask your friends to do the same for you. Also consider using Facebook ads to market to potential customers to gain traffic to your website, as well as new likes on your page.
  • Sell your products on other websites. Amazon, Ebay, and other major websites allow you to sell your products on their websites for a small cut of your sale. This is a great way to get your products in front of a new audience. When you ship your products to your customers from sales on these websites, include a flyer or promotional card, or coupon with your website address, and other relevant business information.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing. Google Adwords and Bing Ads are a great way to market your e-commerce website. These mediums allow you to show your ads on the two biggest search engines, and you only pay when a user clicks your ad. PPC ads allow you to target your ads to people who are already searching for your industry. Experiment with different keywords and ad copy to see what works best for your business.
  • Backlinking. Obtaining backlinks from relevant industry websites can help drive traffic to your site from their site, as well as providing an SEO boost to help your search engine ranking in Google and Bing. The more authority a site has, the better. This process should be done carefully because obtaining backlinks from low quality, spammy, or blacklisted sites can actually hurt your sites ranking. Contact an SEO professional for help with obtaining links.
  • E-mail campaigns. Sending out e-mails to customers on a regular business is a great way to earn repeat business. Send e-mails once every 2 weeks on average. There are many free and low cost tools available to manage your e-mail lists. Do not purchase e-mail lists from third party companies, as this could get your domain name blacklisted for spamming. Instead, build up a list of subscribers that choose to join your mailing list.
  • Offline marketing. Even though you run an online business doesn’t mean you should ignore offline marketing. Spread the words to friends, go to conventions or other industry related events, and even consider print advertising.


Need assistance marketing your e-commerce website, or need a custom e-commerce website built? Contact Five Star Creative today for a free quote and consultation.


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